Friday, September 26

Motivated by Food

Although I don't have cable, I have still managed to watch a handful of new (to me) TV shows, such as The Wire, Freaks and Geeks, The Office, Extras, The (British) Office, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and last but certainly not least, Veronica Mars (thanks Laurie!).

Most recently, and much to my boyfriend's dismay, I started watching 30 Rock (he wants to watch this show with me and is disappointed that I rented it without him). Although I don't think this is the best comedy on TV today (sorry Emmys, that award goes to It's Always Sunny), it is a very good show and I'm glad I started watching it.

In particular, I really like Tina Fey's character, Liz Lemon. In an episode from the first season, she comes to the realization that the reason she likes her boyfriend so much is because he is always feeding her (for example, when she comes home from a long day at work he asks if she wants a cheesesteak).

Oftentimes I feel like I can really relate to Liz Lemon. Like Liz Lemon, I am motivated by food. Unlike her, I like my boyfriend for more than his ability to feed me - in fact I stay with him despite his ability to do just that (no offense jeff - I love you, but your culinary skills are limited to crepes, pancakes and frozen pizza, and besides the occasional pretzel and freeze-dried ice cream, your apartment is devoid of food).


Ben Sherman said...

That's it! You're getting a cheesesteak!

lauriefellman said...

megan your blog is looking good, and i decided i should comment since i got a shout out!! i like liz lemon too, shes so zany.